Fleet Management Platform
A multifunctional digital communication platform that collects and conveys data and service information from each bus fleet unit, incorporating any existing digital system, Wi-Fi and GPS. Additionally, it controls the real-time passenger information on dynamic digital signs and in voice announcements.
Communication Control Unit
The heart of the onboard system is the Communication Control Unit, which is easily integrated with both the operating centre and all theequipment and systems on board.

Surveillance cameras create a safe environment for both the driver and the passengers. It helps prevent criminal activity, objectionable behavior and safety incidents from occurring on the public buses.

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Driver control
The DCU gives the driver a full overview of the current position of the bus in relation to the timetable. This makes it easy for the driver to know if the bus is behind or ahead of the timetable and helps the driver to keep to the timetable.

Passenger counter
Accurate passenger flow statistics allow you to adapt to and predict resource use. Cameras with sensors are located at all the doors of the vehicle. Passenger data is then linked to the vehicle’s other real-time data.

Allowing passengers to surf the internet during their journey or interact with public transport apps.